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Crédit Mutuel Nord Europe

La Française Group’s primary shareholder is the Caisse Fédérale du Crédit Mutuel Nord Europe (87.8%), the holding company of the Group Crédit Mutuel Nord Europe. Company directors and employees hold the remaining shares (12.2%).

Crédit Mutuel Nord Europe is a French non-listed cooperative banking network consisting of 2,100 local cooperatives and mutual funds, grouped into 18 regional federations. It is France’s biggest bank for non-profit associations, employing over 4,500 staff and is provides banking services to one out of every three self-employed professionals, and is the 2nd largest banker for farmers. The cooperative belongs to its 7.5 million shareholder members who elect the 24,000 directors of the local mutual banks. This democratic governance structure ensures that the whole of Crédit Mutuel Nord Europe is controlled from the bottom up. The members’ shares make up the company’s capital.

Crédit Mutuel Nord Europe's strategy combines sustainable development and social responsibility. It has historically promoted bona fide social cohesion, notably by taking action in favor of those who are most vulnerable. The bank offers special assistance to members facing financial difficulties, and helps foster ethical investment through savings schemes and responsible investment products.

In 2012 Crédit Mutuel was ranked by the Posternak Ipsos barometer opinion survey in 6th position in terms of image among French companies and has been the leading financial establishment in the rankings since that time.